NUS Engineering Alumni Gala Dinner 2019

<div>Award winners Ms Aw Kah Peng (3rd from left), Er Tan Seng Chuan (4th from left), Mr Hoong Yik Luen (3rd from right), Mr Alan Heng Chee Ooi (2nd from right) and Mr Lim Chong Tee (1st from right)</div><div>with NUS Engineering Professor David Chua (1st from left), NUS Engineering Dean Professor Aaron Thean (2nd from left) and NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye (4th from right).</div>
Award winners Ms Aw Kah Peng (3rd from left), Er Tan Seng Chuan (4th from left), Mr Hoong Yik Luen (3rd from right), Mr Alan Heng Chee Ooi (2nd from right) and Mr Lim Chong Tee (1st from right)
with NUS Engineering Professor David Chua (1st from left), NUS Engineering Dean Professor Aaron Thean (2nd from left) and NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye (4th from right).

NUS Engineering Alumni Gala Dinner 2019 was held on 8 November at the Kent Ridge Guild House and guests at the event celebrated the achievements of our esteemed alumni together with the new Dean of NUS Engineering, Professor Aaron Thean. The accomplishments of five alumni were recognised and presented the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award (DEAA), Engineering Alumni Service Honours (EASH) and Outstanding Engineering Young Alumni Award (OEYAA) accordingly.

Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award (DEAA)

Ms Aw Kah Peng, Chairman of Shell Companies in Singapore graduated with a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering from NUS in 1990.

Er. Tan Seng Chuan, is the Chairman and Managing Director of TEMBUSU Asia Consulting Pte Ltd.  Er Tan graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) from NUS in 1983.

Engineering Alumni Service Honours (EASH)

Mr Alan Heng Chee Ooi, Chief Executive Officer of Gas Supply Pte Ltd (GSPL) and Executive Vice President of Pavilion Energy Pte Ltd, holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons) and an MBA from NUS.

Mr Hoong Yik Luen, Co-Founder of New Silk Road Investment graduated with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Degree from NUS in 1990.

Outstanding Engineering Young Alumni Award (OEYAA)

Mr Lim Chong Tee, Chief Marketing Officer of WateRoam graduated with an honours degree in Environmental Engineering from NUS in 2016.

NUS Engineering Dean Professor Aaron Thean addressing the guests.
NUS Engineering Dean Professor Aaron Thean addressing the guests.

“We are happy that our alumni maintain close links with us. Your participation in university and faculty events, initiatives, fundraising and presence at our special occasions helps foster a stronger network, building closer ties with fellow alumni and with the Faculty,” said Professor Aaron Thean as he thanked the alumni for their involvement in the activities organised by NUS Engineering.

The Dean went on to share about the various contributions by several classes, starting with how the Class of 1976 established the Class of 1976 Engineering Overseas Learning Assistance which supports financially needy undergraduates to go on exchange programmes, study trips or internships. The Class of 1979 also set up the Engineering Class of 1979 Bursary while the Class of 1983 started the NUS Engineering Class of 1983 Scholarship through a class reunion and charity golf.

Furthermore, through a generous gift from Mr Hoong Yik Luen (EE Class of 1990) and with support from other donors, Engineering undergraduates are able to visit reputable companies in China and participate in international fairs held in China, and witness the advanced technology of fast-rising China under the Engaging the Rising Tech-China study trips.  Students are able to network with overseas researchers and stakeholders and have an enriching learning experience.

Mr Hoong Yik Luen is supporting NUS Engineering with another unique gift as well, which goes towards forming a team of students to participate in the RoboMaster Robotics Competition that is held in Shenzhen China yearly. The competition (hosted by Da-Jiang Innovations) fosters innovation and offers hands-on experience in the field of robotics.  Mr Hoong’s gift funds the operations of a new workshop for the RoboMaster team, equipped with tools and parts to produce robots to participate in a fierce large-scale competition.

Professor Aaron Thean also felt it heartening to see two class reunions this year.  The Class of 1989 came together in late August and had an enjoyable time catching up with each other, while the Class of 1979 celebrated their 40th reunion in July this year and fundraised $150,000 for a new bursary. He encourages other classes to do the same in the following year and continue to maintain close ties with NUS Engineering.

Guests mingling with one another before the event.
Guests mingling with one another before the event.
The NUS Wind Symphony bringing to the crowd a series of nostalgic tunes from the 70s and 80s, ranging from pop to jazz.
The NUS Wind Symphony bringing to the crowd a series of nostalgic tunes from the 70s and 80s, ranging from pop to jazz.
Alumni catching up at the Alumni Gala Dinner.
Alumni catching up at the Alumni Gala Dinner.