
A web-based digital platform to visualize and model urban microclimate simulations to support urban planning in Singapore

The web platform allows users to view a visualization of microclimate simulations such as: Urban Heat Island Intensity, Urban Wind Permeability, Neighborhood Wind Permeability, Anthropogenic Heat Dispersion, and Solar Exposure on the whole of Singapore as well as customized local areas.

The current version of the application is mainly for the evaluation of the existing urban areas. For future installments, the platform would allow the user to import urban massing and perform microclimate simulations.

The platform is written mainly in JavaScript and TypeScript with Angular and node.js, utilizing itowns(three.js) and OpenLayers as the basis for the 3D viewer. A Geoserver is also used to host required data such as buildings and roads.


Online tool link: UCDL Microclimate Digital Platform (NUS campus network only)

Getting started: UCDL Microclimate Digital Platform user demo

For more information, please click here.