Transport In Cities: How Modern Mobility Can Shape and Enhance Our Environment

Name of Event/Lecture

Transport In Cities: How Modern Mobility Can Shape and Enhance Our Environment

Name of Speaker

Charles Barguirdjian

6 CB

Transport In Cities: How Modern Mobility Can Shape and Enhance Our Environment

Charles Barguirdjian
Senior Principal, WSP Consultancy Pte. Ltd.
Date: 28 Jan 2021

This presentation compares various forms of transport from a sustainable viewpoint – from micromobility to TODs. Charles focuses on the importance of TODs, how they are defined and show best cases, exploring the concept of the first and last mile and community building through pedestrianization. Arguing why the next generation of designers have to challenge the status quo of current standards and discussing the resilience of public transport systems in the face of Covid-19, he highlights the cultural barriers, examples of change, the role of kerbsides, car parks and bicycle stands, and the concept of use on demand.