François Decoster awarded town planning grand prize


(Photo Credit: François Decoster (SDH / LPI))

The international jury of the Grand Prix de l’urbanisme, an initiative of the France ministry in charge of urban planning which was created in 1989, awarded the town planning grand prize to the AUC (Caroline Poulin, Djamel Klouche and François Decoster) on May 25, 2021. The prize will be given to them at the end of the year 2021 by the Minister.

Francois Decoster is one of our visiting staff at NUS Master of Arts in Urban Design program.

This year, the jury appointed the AUC collective, “whose career reveals a certain art of reinventing damaged territories, imagining urban forms reconciling density and living environment, and proposing new ‘commons’, in particular by revealing the potential “ground floors” and public spaces.”

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