Power-Assisted Hospital Bed for Patient Transport

Aging populations worldwide have resulted in increasing patient-numbers and reliance on elderly healthcare workers. There is a dire need to improve productivity in labor intensive areas through innovative technology. Inefficiency in hospitals include the daily transport of patients in bed which require two persons- one porter pushing behind and a nurse steering in front. Hospital environment features narrow corridors and crowded lifts/rooms, making the task time-consuming and physically/ mentally-challenging. Work-related injuries are an increasing concern. We developed a novel robotic omni-directional mobility unit that can be added on to existing hospital bed, transforming it into a power-assisted system that can be easily operated by one person. Our unique omni-directional mobility offers unmatched maneuverability in a space-constrained environment (one-step “parallel-parking” ability). The intelligent intuitive force sensing based user control unit offers more ergonomic, efficient and safe operation and enhance workers’ performance and efficiency and prevent workers’ injuries.

A patent has been filed for this invention (PCT stage). The technology has been licensed to Hope Technik. Several prototypes has been developed and tested in local hospitals for different operation needs.