Assistive Robotics

Occupational Exoskeletons for Industrial Workers

In modern industrial workplaces, safety and shifting demographics are major challenges. Back injuries comprise 41.7% of workplace injuries and are 2.6 times as likely as other injuries. Shoulder injuries are the next most common. These injuries lead to significant expenses, with healthcare and productivity costs reaching up to 20.59 billion USD due to over-exertion and repetitive tasks. This is further compounded by the aging global population, with projections stating that over 22% will be above the age of 60 by 2050. The labor market, already impacted by COVID-related shortages, sees a leaner workforce that is, on average, older. With people working longer and retiring later, there’s a growing need for occupational exoskeletons. Such devices could improve workplace safety, boost productivity, and assist companies in maintaining their experienced workforce.