27 September 2015
Supply Chain Asia

Talks at Supply Chain Asia Forum 2015

Center for Next Generation Logistics (C4NGL) was invited to participate in the Supply Chain Asia Forum 2015 held at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel during 9-10 September 2015. A/Prof Chew Ek Peng and A/Prof Lee Loo Hay from Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering(NUS) and Professor Chip White from Georgia Institute of Technology participated in the panel discussions in robotic, augmented reality and big data respectively . In addition, C4NGL also host a track to share the exciting research programs that the center will embark on and showcase some of their capability in engaging the industry.

Robots are mostly used in factories to perform repetitive tasks that required speed, precision and force. Today, the level of robotic capabilities is rising. Now, these robots move around. They are starting to imitate and look like humans. They are starting to perform tasks like humans do as well. These robots are operated from a distance and are doing tasks independent of direct human control. How efficient is the application of this technology for shippers? What can we expect the typical factory to look like in 20 years?

Technologies like sensors, GPS and AutoID collect vast amounts of data, but unless the information is filtered, analysed and incorporated into your supply chain strategy, this technology is not being used to its full advantage. The key to Big Data is real-time analytics. This complements the end-to-end visibility of the supply chain and enables companies to act quickly enough to prevent revenue and profit loss that can occur at various points in the supply chain.

Is augmented reality the future of supply chain? Imagine a warehouse where each picker chooses the most efficient route, picks the right item every time and scans it within seconds all through a heads-up display (like a Google Glass). The technology is already used in some warehouses, but how necessary is this innovation in supply chain? Can the industry do without it and stay competitive at the same time?

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