11 April 2019
20190411 141824

Workshop: Simulation Modelling & Digital Twin-based Learning Systems

A joint workshop on Simulation Modelling and Digital Twin-based Learning Systems was organised on the 11th April 2019, hosted by ISEM, C4NGl & C4NGP. We have invited our professors from George Mason University to impart their knowledge on various topics to our department.

20190411 141824


20190411 143617


20190411 143153
Prof Chun-Hung Chen and A/Prof Edward Huang speaking on “Digital Twin-based Learning for Future Cyber-Physical Systems”

20190411 144239

20190411 154716
Prof Elise Miller-Hooks speaking on ‘Integrated Hospital Simulation and Optimization Modelling for Assessing Health Care Readiness for Disaster”



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