10 September 2016
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Centre Researchers Represent Singapore at World Port Hackathon 2016

A team of our four pit their skills against some of the world’s best at the World Port Hackathon organised by the Port of Rotterdam from September 2-3 at RDM Rotterdam in the Netherlands. The joint NUS-IHPC researchers tested their data analytics and modelling skills against teams from around the world using the datasets provided at the World Port Hackathon.

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The team members: (from left to right) Qiu Zhipeng, Dr. Li Haobin (IHPC), Zhou Chenhao and Dr. Lee Byung Kwon

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After two days non-sleeping work, the final solution was proposed for the WPH 2016

MPA News


“We are proud to see ten researchers, engineers and professionals representing Singapore at the World Port Hackathon. This attests to the vibrant maritime research and innovation ecosystem in Singapore. The past two Smart Port Hackathons organised by MPA were successful in generating new ideas. To accelerate the translation of the new ideas into technology solutions for the maritime industry, MPA is planning a new concept for next year’s edition of the event to attract technopreneurs, start-ups, technology companies and venture capitalists to partner the maritime industry for the development and commercialisation of solutions. Our participation at the World Port Hackathon will provide useful learning opportunities for MPA as we prepare to refresh next year’s event,” said Mr Andrew Tan, Chief Executive, MPA.

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