24 July 2015
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Centre for Next Generation Logistics Opening

A great Friday for the ISEM Department on 24 July 2015, when the new Centre for Next Generation Logistics (C4NGL) was inaugurated.

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The Centre is one of the products of the long lasting collaboration between ISE and ISyE at Georgia Tech.  In fact, C4NGL is currently led by Associate Professor Lee Loo Hay and Associate Professor Chew Ek Peng from NUS with Professor White and Associate Professor Erera from Georgia Tech.  More than hundred among NUS and Georgia Tech Faculties, industry participants from several sectors including logistics, government agencies, research centres and many shippers, populated the engineering auditorium for networking as well as to participate in the workshop contributing to a great success for this event.

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The early birds were spotted as early as 12:30 pm well before the event started at 2:30 pm.  The organizing committee was well prepared and everything proceeded smoothly.  The event started with a poster session where the main industry collaborations as well as research work done under the Centre captured the interest of the academics as well as of industry partners willing to join C4NGL for future collaborations.  It was an exciting chance to share the first results and potentiality of the Centre and establishing more contacts with the industry.

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At 2:30 pm, after the networking session, the opening ceremony started with Associate Professor Ng Szu Hui inviting the Provost of NUS Professor Tan Eng Chye to give a first Welcome Speech followed by the Provost of Georgia Tech, Professor Bras.  The mission and activities of the Centre were illustrated by Professor White, Associate Professor Lee and Associate Professor Chew.
Following, we were honored to have Ms. Desmicht, Senior Director Corporate Supply Chain at Infineon Technologies, and Ms. Pang, Vice President, Head of Asia Pacific Innovation, DHL, giving extremely catching talks on the shippers and logistics company perspective on “next generation logistics”.  In particular, Ms. Demsicht delivered the talk “The 4th Industrial revolution is coming: smart enterprise, smart manufacturing AND smart supply chains” talking about challenges and opportunities for shippers, while Ms. Pang shed lights on the major logistics innovations and their role in the new supply chains with the talk “The Future of Logistics”.

The event came to a close at 4:00 pm with Prof Ng thanking the participants who left with interest proven by their willingness to reply a survey prepared for the event.

Reported by Dr Giulia Pedrielli
Photos by: Pak Kai

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