25 June 2016
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Centre Researchers Present at International Conference on Logistics and Maritime 2016

The 6th International Conference on Logistics and Maritime Systems, was held in Sydney on 21-23 June 2016. The objective of this conference is to provide a forum for participants from universities and related industries to exchange ideas on the latest technical, operational and economic developments in container and bulk logistics and their related maritime systems. Logistical developments continue to drive the growth of international trade, leading to more complex global supply networks typically involving maritime, inland waterway, road and rail transportation systems. The centre actively participated in the conference with a team of 6 researchers.

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From left to right: Qiu Zhipeng, A/Prof. Lee Loo Hay, Dr. Li Haobin (IHPC), Zhao Qitong, Dr. Jiang Xinjia (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Dr. Giulia Pedrielli, Zhou Chenhao, A/Prof. Hu Hongtao (Shanghai Maritime University)

The publications at the conference

  1. Data Driven Newsvendor Problem
    § Renrong Weng, Javier Loh, Giulia Pedrielli and Loo Hay Lee
  2. Optimal Path Design for Mesh-like Structure in GRID System
    § Chenhao Zhou, Zhi Chao Poh, Ek Peng Chew and Loo Hay Lee
  3. Urban Consolidation Centre for Improving Shopping Mall Logistics in Singapore
    § Giulia Pedrielli, Laura Gunarso, Ek Peng Chew and Loo Hay Lee
  4. Data Driven based Clustering and Routing for Third-party Logistics
    § Chenhao Zhou, Giulia Pedrielli, Liang Hong Lee, Loo Hay Lee and Ek Peng Chew
  5. A Simulation Optimization based Platform for Container Port Capacity Planning
    § Haobin Li, Chenhao Zhou, Loo Hay Lee and Ek Peng Chew
  6. Hybrid Strategies for Order Picking in a Warehouse for Fashion E-Commerce
    § Giulia Pedrielli, Vinsensius Albert, Ek Peng Chew and Loo Hay Lee
  7. A Two-Stage Approach for Large Scale AGV Routing in the Automated Container Terminal
    § Zhipeng Qiu, Ek Peng Chew and Loo Hay Lee
  8. Real-time Deadlock-free Routing for AGV System in Container Terminal
    § Qitong Zhao, Ek Peng Chew and Loo Hay Lee

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