17 May 2021
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Fifth video in Digital Twin series introduces Visualisation

Brought to you by the Centre of Excellence in Modelling and Simulation for Next Generation Ports (C4NGP) and Centre for Next Generation Logistics (C4NGL), here is the fifth video in our series about Digital Twin.
In this video, we talk about Visualisation and the varying degrees of visibility ranging from text and dashboard display to 2D/3D animations and X-realities. The video also revisits the topics we covered over the course of the past 5 months, wrapping up our journey in understanding the world of Digital Twins.
Our next and final video is an interview with our centres’ professors, Prof Lee Loo Hay and Prof Chew Ek Peng, where they will be discussing key industry challenges and how digital twin is transforming the current landscape.
We hope that this series has helped introduce you to the world of Digital Twins as well as our centres’ efforts in creating our own Smart Digital Twin. Do reach out to us to learn more about our O2DES as well as the Free Health Check that we are offering on warehouse process optimisation and design, manpower planning, warehouse throughput and more. Thank you for coming along with us on this journey and we look forward to connecting with you!

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