13 December 2022

System Design Workshop and Competition

Last week, the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering & Management, College of Design and Engineering organised our “System Design Workshop and Competition” in conjunction with Eng Kong Logistics Hub.  


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The workshop and competition received students of different educational backgrounds and interests, with a significant proportion of students coming from various Junior Colleges and some undergraduates from National University of Singapore (NUS). The participants had the opportunity to learn more about the logistics and maritime industry as well as try their hand at customising simulation models for container depots using the FlexTerm software graciously sponsored by Moffatt & Nichol.   

Three teams eventually took home cash prizes that were generously sponsored by Eng Kong Logistics Hub.   


1st: Valerie Chua Yu Jia (Victoria Junior College) 

2nd: Cao Liwen, Zhang Xiyuan (Dunman High School, Victoria Junior College) 

3rd: Qi Fulin, Ren Yilun, Zhang Guoyun (NUS) 


We would like to thank the participants for joining us as well as Eng Kong Logistics Hub and Moffat & Nichol for their support over the course of the System Design Workshop and Competition.  

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