27 October 2022

Dementia Design Sourcebook

Insofar as design of the physical environments for dementia care is concerned, there is no golden rule. Much of the current best practices involve city-fringed, lowrise and low-density settings. Whereas, in a highrise urban city like Singapore, density is a daily conundrum to overcome and this poses certain challenges to design that are perhaps nto adequately discussed. The book hopes to fulfill this urgent need to examine salient issues that designers of dense urban settings face, and through this effort engenders deeper design thinking that collectively enlarge our palette of solutions for dementia. This Sourcebook is a general design reader for caregivers, designers and related service providers. It examines issues on the design of environments for dementia and the elderly in general, and comprises two volumes in one: Design Guide and Design Elements. A complementary infographics, the Dementia Design Palette offers a glimpse at how design responses can match disabilities from dementia.