1 June 2022

Silver Award by Env. Engr. Master students in International Biotechnology Competition and Exhibition 2022

Master students Feng Ying (MSc in Env. Engr.) and Wee Liting (MEng in Env. Engr.) achieved the Silver Award in Innovation Product Presentation in the Green Technology category held on the 8th annual International Biotechnology Competition and Exhibition 2022. The team presented on “Development of a plant microbial fuel cell to generate bioelectricity and treat stormwater runoff” and was supervised by Professor Hu Jiangyong and Dr Lim Fang Yee. This well-known competition was organized by the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. There were 17 postgraduate teams that participated the competition covering a wide of range of topics including pollution control, energy generation, carbon emission reduction and so on.

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