3 June 2017

CERT was Awarded $10 million to Develop Cost-Effective Storage Innovations

In May 2015, the Energy Market Authority (EMA) has launched a $15 million grant call to all Institute of Higher Learnings (IHLs) to look at enabling the deployment of energy storage under Singapore’s hot, humid and urbanised environment. Out of over 30 proposals received, only 6 projects were selected which focused primarily on three research areas:

  1. Innovate battery technologies suitable for deployment in Singapore’s hot and humid climate and highly-urbanised environment
  2. Develop cost-effective and reliable solutions
  3. Increase power conversion efficiency

CERT is pleased to report that among the 6 projects identified by EMA, 4 of them were awarded to NUS amounting to approximate $10 million. Such success would not have been possible without strong support from industry collaborators which CERT have actively engage over the years. Industry collaborators for NUS approved projects include HDB, Rolls-Royce Singapore, Lloyd’s Register Global Technology Centre, Duralite Power, GenPlus, Temasek Polytechnic and Daily Life Renewable Energy.

“Congratulations to the Professors who were awarded the EMA grants for energy storage. As the focus now is on Research, Development and Deployment, rather than just Research and Development, CERT’s achievements in this grant call is a testimony of the relevant societal impact that NUS research is creating,” said Professors Lee Jim Yang, Director of CERT and Head of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department. For more information on the approved projects, kindly click on the link below.

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