17 October 2016

Energy Efficiency in Process Industry Workshop

The Energy Efficiency in Process Industry Workshop was held on 17th October 2016 in Fusionopolis MPSH1. This is a jointly organized workshop by CERT, NUS and Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences, A-STAR.

The objective of this workshop was to understand the challenges the process industry faced and determine if the research carried out in NUS is able to be translated to commercial adoption. One focus area mentioned was on separation technology; adsorption as an energy efficient alternative; integrate or reintegrate to achiever greater energy efficiency and etc.

The turnout for this joint workshop was overwhelming with attendees coming from agencies, research institutes and industries such as EDB, NCCS, NEA, Giiava, Mitsui Phenols Singapore Pte. Ltd, ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and etc.

Some of the presentations covered by them include:

  1. Industrial Energy Efficiency
  2. Energy Usage in Phenol Process
  3. Solvent Extraction Processes for Food Additives
  4. Energy Opportunities in Process Industries
  5. Modeling and Simulation for Operation and Planning

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