15 December 2020

Singapore to invest more in next 5-year plan for R&D, including new programme to prepare for future epidemics

Singapore will invest S$25 billion – or 1 per cent of its gross domestic product (GDP) – in research, innovation and enterprise for the next five years.

The Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2025 Plan (RIE2025), announced by Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat at a press conference on Friday (Dec 11), includes a new national programme to prepare for future epidemics.

RIE2025 will expand research and development in four domains – manufacturing, trade and connectivity; human health and potential; urban solutions and sustainability; and Smart Nation and digital economy. It will also support businesses in adopting science and technology, and expanding into adjacent areas with “high growth potential”. In addition, it will customise support according to different enterprise segments.


The Government seeks to better integrate urban solutions and sustainability, and pursue the latter in a “broader way”, said Mr Heng. RIE2025 will make the built environment more efficient and sustainable by adopting robotics and automation and 3D concrete printing.

It will look into decarbonising Singapore’s power, industry and transport sectors by exploring low carbon technologies. In addition, the Government is “taking climate change seriously”, he added. “We’re committed to reducing our carbon footprint, to fulfil our pledge made under the Paris accord and protect ourselves from rising sea levels.” For example, it will conduct climate modelling to understand the impact of increased urban heat island effect and warming trends on health and food resilience, said Ms Fu. It will strengthen food resilience and preserve Singapore’s biodiversity.

Source: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-invest-25-billion-research-develop-talent-13751100

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