19 August 2020

Dr Zhou Kang received the 2020 SIMB Young Investigator Award

The Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (SIMB) is one of the most well-known international societies in the field of Biotechnology. The award recognizes young investigators who have made outstanding scientific contributions in the field. Dr Zhou’s research group focuses on transforming renewable carbon substrates through microbial fermentation into value-added products, especially food/feed ingredients and agrochemicals.

Their contributions have been enabling the use of some non-conventional (difficult-to-use) substrates through 1) developing new fermentation techniques, 2) establishing more efficient genetic manipulation methods, 3) capitalizing on the models developed by machine learning (In collaboration with X.N. Wang, NUS), and 4) integrating microbial fermentation with chemical catalysis (In collaboration with N. Yan, NUS).

The relevant works have been published by top journals in the relevant fields, including Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Nat. Commun., Angew. Chem. Int., and Meta. Eng.

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