Project Overview

A mobile application using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for users to identify different structural elements and their components in a real-life setting, to explain the difference between the different load types, to comprehend load transfer pathways in structural systems, to visualise deformation and failure modes of structural elements and systems under different loading conditions, and to identify the different materials used in different structures.


VARS Privacy Policy

By using this mobile application ("app"), you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:  

  1. Department of the Built Environment, College of Design and Engineering (CDE), National University of Singapore (NUS), reserves the right for use or the removal of any data, photo, video or voice recording presented in the app. 
  2. As there might be visualisations or audio that are likely to cause motion sickness, you will be solely responsible for your choice of viewing the data, visualisations and voice recordings that you experienced on this app. 
  3. You may not copy, modify, display, publish, transmit, distribute or sell ("improper use") any of the data, photos, videos or voice recordings featured in this app.  
  4. You agree not to hold the Department of the Built Environment, CDE, NUS responsible in the event of any improper use, by other users of this app, of the data, photos, videos or voice recordings. 


Load paths

Load Paths



Materials option activated

Materials Options Activated

Augmented Reality


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