Ez-lley - Mail delivery trolley
designed by: Colin Ong

The trolley that postal workers are currently using is inadequate for their job. A practical and economical solution is required to solve their mail delivery woes. Through a co-designing process, Ez-lley was created. Ez-lley caters to the needs and working habits of the postal workers, where postal workers can weave through HDBs with ease while carrying large amounts of mail. To combat high manufacturing cost, the number of components are minimized and little assembly is required. A play with Singapore Post’s corporate color introduces simple aesthetic hoping to break the monotony of the postal worker’s job. Ez-lley is a utility tool designed at a competitive price point.

Ez-lley, a utilitarian design that eases the job of postal workers.

Allowing postal workers navigate through HDBs with ease.

Full scale testing of Ez-lley with postal workers.