- An exploration and abstraction
designed by: Chan Min Yun

We live in a world of fractals. From coastlines structures to the graphs of stock exchange, our lives are governed by fractal geometry in both the natural world and the man-made world. While the geometry of fractals presents fertile opportunities to industrial design, it has been under-utilised. This is despite the recent proliferation of additive manufacturing.

My thesis sets out to change this, to introduce fractal geometry to the field of industrial design currently dominated by Euclidean geometry.

By employing fractal geometry in the design of everyday objects across different scales, this thesis seeks to ignite our imagination beyond our perceptions and to create an inquisitive attitude towards fractals.

An eraser with 140 corners for precise erasing of detailed drawings.

Fractional dimension with fractals to optimize surface area for water evaporation.

Video - Humidifier

With simple primary tessellation, crinkles create flexible structure with paper.

A humidifier with 900cm2 packed in a volume of 155cm3.

A simple but highly adaptable joint system for space dividers.