Grok! Home Relaxation Wellness
designed by: Jorensylv Ng

Grok! is a contemporary home furniture which aims to provide quality relaxation for the tired souls. It focuses on putting users to a state of relaxation in the fastest possible way through sleep induction method – rocking. With a quick Flip gesture, one is able to transit from Mode 1 to Mode 2, encouraging user to lie in a resting position in which he/she can lie, rock sideward and nap while drifting into a gradual trance state of relaxation. Grok! minimizes space usage in this default state, Mode 1, allowing user to swivel in a multi-directional rocking motion, thereby becoming an fun and interactive furniture. With its simple yet iconic form, Grok! hopes to bring delight to both users and onlookers.

Grok! placed within a contemporary living room.

Different modes obtained with a quick ‘flipping’ transition.

Simple locking mechanism secures lower part into position while user rocks sideward.