Natural By Default
designed by: Christina Chin

Thriftiness, or the desire to save resources, is a behaviour characteristic of ecologically sustainable living. Though many consumers value this trait, their behaviour is often limited to the affordances of daily objects that do not consider economical usage in their design, but are still widely accepted by consumers due to their established familiarity and reliability. Coupled with the manufacturers' reluctance to adopt new products and manufacturing processes where cost is a factor, this results in a magnified inertia towards the habit of saving.

Natural by Default presents a series of objects in the bathroom that enable the pre-existing 'savings' behaviour, through minimal changes in design and methods of production, to maximize both consumer and manufacturer acceptance.

Natural by Default encourages us to rethink the extent to which minimal redesign can encourage a significant change in user behaviour with regards to saving resources.

A soap pump dispenser that allows control over the amount of soap dispensed.

A toothpaste tube that flattens completely, allowing users to naturally flatten and save.

A redesign of the dual-flush button to provide an inclination to press the half-flush instead.