Soap Flaker
designed by: Cia Zhi Yun

1st prize, 4Rs innovation design awards 2011
by Singapore Gifts and Stationery design competition 2011

According to the Clean Air Council, 2.5 million plastic bottles are thrown away every hour, including those from hand wash. The bar soap, on the other hand, is a more environmentally responsible choice because it is usually wrapped in paper or small cardboard boxes. It is also more economical and efficient to transport bar soaps instead of bottles of liquid soap.

Soap Flaker encourages the usage of bar soaps by dispensing tiny flakes. This minimizes the wastage of tiny soap pieces and removes slimy soapy mess. It is also more hygienic as it removes the sharing of bar soaps by multiple hands. It is made of environmentally friendly bamboo wood to make the product more sustainable.

Soapflaker, a soap flake dispenser, can be easily attached onto bathroom walls.

Soapflaker has a grating feature that grates soap bars into tiny flakes.