Step It Up
designed by: Annusia Jaybalan, Bram Bervoets, Vivian Vd Burgt, Inge Vd Heuvel

Exchange semester at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

The child who twirls grows up to become the adult who trudges. Adults lead sedentary lives that allow for little time and motivation for physical activity. Step it Up, is an inter-generational playground that encourages parents to play with their children and turnaround their sedentary lives! Hydraulics is used to provide participants with surprising results when varying weights come into play. This dynamic system of weight-dependent mobile blocks allows parents to participate more actively in their children’s playtime. Each hydraulic system was explored using connected syringes, to recreate the actual system.

Colours provide an added dimension to this open-playground concept.

Using syringes to demonstrate the weight-dependent hydraulic system.