VertOnics – Vertical Greenery System
designed by: Kenneth Tan

Vertical green planting is a growing trend in urban living. It is used to encourage flat dwellers to grow plants as a hobby within their homes. Vertical green planting is introduced to HDB flats to ease space constraints and to stop the illegal placing of potted plants along the corridors, which contravenes guidelines provided by the town council.

The project aims to start off the interest level in vertical green planting by flat dwellers to plant potted plants in their homes. This interest may in turn encourage the flat dwellers in forming a critical mass to push for changes in policies to allow vertical green planting outside the flats through the residents’ committees and the town councils. These agencies can engage HDB in making changes to policies that allow vertical green planting to proliferate in HDB flats and common areas.

Vertical green system that allow flat dwellers to grow potted plants in confine spaces.

Interchangeable parts allow arrangement and setup to fit in different types of flats.

Overview on the assembly parts of the vertical green system.