23 May 2014, 1830 - 2100 hrs

24 - 25 May 2014, 1030 - 2100 hrs

The Plaza, National Library of Singapore

Lim Kim

"I am interested in how we interact with different objects in our daily lives and how we can infuse the elements of fun and play into them."

[ linkedin | portfolio | mail ]

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toy designs
paying for movies

Designed by Kim:    

LUMO – a safer, simpler and standardized socket platform designed for LED illumination systems

LUMO is a universal socket standard designed specifically for LED lighting systems. Its magnetic Snap-On and active-bridging terminal pin features guarantee the safety and stability of the platform.

Reusable components are configured into the permanent fixture so that only the lighting modules are replaced.

1. LUMO – an universal socket designed for LED lighting systems

2. Attaching different types of hanging lamps to the LUMO


LUMA is a series of toy vehicles that leave unique glowing trails in the dark. It encourages children to exercise their imagination and creativity while playing, as well as remind the parents of the nonstalgic way of playing.

Sunday Showcase design exhibition at the Singapore Arts and Science Museum

Each vehicle leaves behind a different trail

LUMA vehicles have distinct shapes that are simple yet welcoming for imaginative play

A custom built-in circuitry controls the blinking of the LEDs that creates the trails


Moogy is a communication platform designed for sending encouragement. It delivers a customised choreography instead of verbal message, which serves as a short yet pleasant distraction from work. Adding a smile to work routine can help in relieving work stress.

Moogy is built upon arduino platform and actuated with 7 servo motors

Exploring alternative ways of communicating that are interesting


Lew Yun Tong


Lin Jie Xin Kiera