Gary Lim Chang Hwee

Gary’s interest lies in experience and service design. With users at the centre of all processes, he often acts as an integrator of disciplines, finding the balance across all stakeholders. He doesn’t have a fixed design philosophy. However, he believes that a good design process will most certainly yield a valuable outcome. To him, the ability to plug and play one’s skills is crucial.


How would you like to dress when you are 60? FIT+ is a new integrated service in providing seniors the opportunity to get customized clothing that fits them. It employs a 3D-to-3D process that produces garments, which accentuate their body shape and curves. FIT+ serves as a plug-in service to existing retailers, clothing manufacturers and beyond. It embraces the merging of design and technology in the fashion industry, providing a holistic system for both consumers and service providers.
In collaboration with Purple Threads


The millennial behaves differently from other generations, and so are their needs and demands. New insights are necessary to generate innovation in the banking industry, to maintain and provide better services to them. Personal development, family and friends are valuable to this generation. OCBC Grow is a redesigned reward system with a platform that helps young working adult enjoys personal growth towards both professional and lifestyle goals, through trusted partners. Furthermore, family and friends are integral in this whole service. Banking is now beyond finances. It is about the complete growth of the customers.
In collaboration with OCBC Group Customer Experience
Designed with Johanan Lau and Jomains Neo


Bloom is a digitally responsive flower that corresponds with the users’ breadth. Using Arduino, it engages narratives of tangible/ intangibles senses of sight, smell, touch, anticipation, curiosity, surprises, immersion and closure. Bloom keeps people in good kind of distraction, engages a kind of call-and-response batter sort of balancing mind state, to afford inter-personal collegiate connectivity, addressing a corporate workplace.

Shortlisted entry for Lexus Design Award 2015
Designed with Albert Lee
