Hillary Hoe Sook-E

Hillary is inspired by simple things - designs that do not necessarily need to change the world, but bring a smile to people’s faces. Though she usually dresses in black, her designs are usually filled with colour. She enjoys working with children and loves creating animations.


Cubetales - little cubes, big tales. A constructive play system that develops preschoolers’ literacy skills in a more engaging way. Children are provided with ample opportunities to practise using Sight Words that promote their reading confidence. Parents are guided to effectively prompt their children to enhance the learning experience.

OCBC Fridor

Fridor is a mobile application that tracks your real-time spending, prompting you to label transactions the minute you swipe your card. Fridor syncs friendships by rewarding you and your friends. It helps you curb impulse purchases by prioritizing your needs; while syncing with your personal calendar to celebrate significant moments.
In collaboration with OCBC Group Customer Experience
Designed with Ku Ga Eun


Fifyflo adds a sense of nature to an otherwise mechanical object. Through the use of servo motors and flexible silicone material, it interacts with water, light and sound to produce petal movements with varying subtlety as a form of feedback to the user to give a sense of companionship.
