Muhammad Assyaraf bin Johari

Assyaraf Johari is a designer that truly believes in the social good that design brings. He also believes in improvising and creating new methodologies to tackle every unique design challenge. He especially loves design that evokes newness and those that spark conversation and even healthy debates.


Palett is a conceptual audio device that allows users to discover music through a new method of music categorisation defined by a family of tokens. It is an exploratory outcome born from our shared experiences and subjectivities with music. Its primary interaction is enabled by NFC tokens that each represents a specific range of music genre.

Bagasse Plates

Bagasse plates is a concept derived from the material exploration of bagasse, which are sugar cane fibres. Its proposed practical application is to redefine a completely sustainable production process carried out within the Hawker Centre itself, using materials and tools that can all be found there too. The plates are made from leftover bagasse, usually left behind from sugar cane juice stalls. These fibres are mixed with water and are then grounded down by a household blender. Excess water are then sieved off and the fine fibres are then molded by heat and pressure by a custom-made steel press into a biodegradable plate, which are to be used by hawker centre patrons.
In collaboration with École cantonale d'art de Lausanne (ECAL)
Designed with Leon Laskowski and Ng Wenxin


Eczemama is a home-based sleep-scratching monitoring system that quantifies nightly sleep-scratches to accurately assess the effectiveness of treatment for child eczema patients. Eczemama is designed to enhance the flow of accurate information between the child, parent and doctor so that an effective channel of communication is maintained throughout the child’s prolonged treatment process. The Eczemama Ring collects scratch data via an embedded accelerometer and transmit data via bluetooth to the Eczemama Application.

In collaboration with National University Health System
Designed with Esli Ee and Milly Tan
