Sim Yong Jie

Yong Jie enjoys the ideation and model-making part of the design process, where he is able to run wild and free. He also enjoys shaping intangible ideas into tangible physical objects.


Looking at the times when the crutches are not in use, Feri is a pair of crutches that reduces the user’s reliability on others during his recovery phase with an enhanced user experience. Feri can be simply placed against a table or easily detached for portability.


Having different reactions to different colours, Chroma is a play toy powered by Arduino for children and adults alike to have fun. Through colouring the play area with the different coloured markers provided, an empty canvas transforms into a work of art which also functions as the environment for Chroma to navigate around in. In addition, the design of the cover allows free customization through the usage of LEGO blocks to have your very own unique Chroma.


An interactive table with a twist, Snatcha is a music synthesizer that produces music through the pulling of its twelve cords. Pitches and tones of the music changes when the cord is pulled harder, with cords randomly connected to one another. With the tug of war element, music making is now more fun and interactive with friends and family.

Designed with Kevin Chiam and Jacqueline Lau
