Edmund Zhang 


Edmund is intrigued by the narratives in relationships between people and objects. He sees design as the planning of the most optimal way to communicate a thought. In his free time, you can catch him daydreaming, indulging in street photography, and watching documentaries on Vice.

Squeezy Peasy

Squeezy Peasy is a project that seeks to present an alternative way of interacting with everyday objects through the basic joy of squeezing. The series features a table lamp that incrementally increases its brightness the more it is squeezed, and gradually dims down when the plug at the back is pulled out. It also features a portable speaker that increases its volume the more it is squeezed, and gradually quietens down when it is being set upright.


inSight is a system of paired devices that act as a virtual two-way surface, connecting users through constant audio and video feed. inSight invites elderlies to interact with their loved ones in a playful, intuitive, and non-intrusive manner, achieved through the utilization of a simple interface metaphor of a fogged glass panel.

Designed with Loh Zhide and Lim Zhiying

In collaboration with Keio-NUS CUTE Center

A Totemic Kettle

A totemic kettle that evokes a sense of familial warmth. This project seeks to investigate how the elements of slow living can be expressed through the form of an electric household kettle.

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