Kevin Chiam

Curious about the motivations behind people’s behaviour, Kevin observes, tinkers and questions the world around him. Such inquisitiveness empowers him to explore various domains from service to exploratory design. To Kevin, design is a deliberate conversation and empathy is crucial for successful translations.


Cooking is a challenging ritual for the visually impaired due to the lack of sensory references. To overcome the steep learning curve, “folks”, a series of familiar kitchen tools, leverages on natural, sensory feedback and tactile cues such that they can prepare food safely with convenience, confidence and dignity.

In collaboration with SAVH, Dignity Kitchen, NUH Rehabilitation Department, NUS Enterprise


Flex is a modern cane designed to complement the senior’s natural walking posture. It spots an elastic shoe design which expands on contact with the ground and retracts when lifted for the next step. The increased surface contact thus ensures stability while the streamlined profile promises a smooth walking transition.

In collaboration with Prime Minister's Office, Smart Nation Project Office, THE LAB


While quartz watch aesthetics do differ, the user experience has unfortunately remained status quo. VOORT ONE thus challenges the current watch typology. An integrated back button invites a curious push which results in a smooth, satisfying watch-hand transition. ONE is more than a time-telling tool. It is a conversational ornament.

Designed with Lim Yong Kang

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