Lee Hsiao Fong


Uncovering peculiarities of daily life fascinates Hsiao Fong. She enjoys making small tweaks to everyday objects and materials to create fresh and quirky narratives. Sunlight and running waters refuel her and her hopes to hike the Half Dome.

Interruption in Objects

Is it possible for something that is normally seen as a nuisance to be valuable? Imagine climbing down a ladder, uncertain of where the ground is — what if the last rung pre-empts you? Or as you pull a shirt off a hanger, it juts out from the rest of the clothes rack? By embracing disruptions as potential signifiers, new possibilities for everyday objects can be uncovered.

An Urn is Intimate

We can stay at home and merely reminiscence about the deceased, however we yearn for a less vicarious experience. Thus, an urn is intimate. Only when one cleans the empty plaque with water, the faces and names appear ephemerally as the water markings created slowly fades away. It is inconspicuous, viewable upon an act of intimacy and care so that visitation can be personal in a public space.

Designed with Fabian Ong

In collaboration with Nirvana Memorial Garden


XUBE offers a sleek, beautiful solution for portable toiletries - simply fill with your chosen products, then bring it anywhere to unroll and mount on any smooth wall. And when it’s time to go, roll it back up for easy packing.

Designed with Yang Ran and Julia Lee

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