Weng Yixiang


Yixiang enjoys making things from scratch and in the process, discovering new perspectives of how things work. He hopes that his works will put a smile on people's faces.

Uniquely Utensils

This is a set of utensils designed specifically for three Singaporean hawker dishes: chicken rice, rojak and chilli crab. These utensils prompt users to experience, learn about and better appreciate the colourful stories behind each iconic hawker dish. They aspire to reinvigorate Singapore’s important, yet fading identity marker – hawker food.

Cultiver: Orange Peels, Leather Handbag

Orange peels are by-products generated by fruit juice bars. They are innately pliable and durable, presenting possible alternatives for leather. They are dehydrated into well-preserved pieces, trimmed to exact dimensions and connected strategically into sheets. The resulting sheets are stitched together with leather sewing techniques to form an exquisite handbag.

S for Souvenir: A Souvenir is an Experience that is Impossible to Bring Home

The project brief was to redefine souvenirs and convey the definition through designing a product. The outcome is postcards that produce characteristic sounds collected throughout Singapore. They aspire to help senders bring home the visceral experiences of their stay in Singapore that cannot physically be taken away, preserving precious memories.

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