Lynn Ho Xin Yi
Lynn enjoys being a sponge - she enjoys soaking up knowledge in diverse areas. Not all of them are necessarily applicable to her design journey, but definitely enriches her life. A people-watcher, she finds amusement in observing human behaviours and uses them to create more nuanced solutions.
THESIS The Oracle
The Oracle is a fictional company selling consultative devices that feeds their users pieces of advice based off various sources of data. This speculative design paints an image of a future where data is perceived as all-knowing and influences how we make day-to-day decisions. Its purpose is to spark debate regarding the social and ethical implications of increasingly precise and accurate algorithmic systems that run our lives.
Le Cinéma
Le Cinéma is a mobile event concept in celebration of Guerlainís historic 190 year anniversary. The concept takes inspiration from movie sets, using various experiential points to narrate a story where the customer is the star. In an age where photo-documentation is an essential part of a personís daily life, Le CinÈma provides a photo-ready moment at every turn of the head, achieved through elegant framing proportions. The construction of the various structures are highly adaptable and transportable to allow for better mobility across different locations.

Designed with Emily Kim, Jennifer Lim

In collaboration with Guerlain Asia-Pacific
Rigiflex is an arthroscope holder that allows for the required flexibility when maneuvered and stays in position when hands-free, all achieved in a single action. In typical situations, the surgeon has to hold onto the athroscope throughout the operation which limits the range of movements. Yet, this is essential as the athroscope has to be constantly moved. Rigiflex essentially acts as an alternative arm that exhibits the same flexibility as a humanís and stops in place when released to allow for stability.

Designed with Hong Ling Yang & Tan Xin Yu

In collaboration with National University Hospital (NUH), Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
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