Miko Yeo Xue Ting
Miko enjoys design centered around user interactions and experiences, especially in problem-solving or challenging the status quo. She believes in design that is aesthetic yet purposeful.

THESIS Cook Up A Story!
Cook Up A Story! is a set of kitchen tools, each with a personality accompanied by a storybook that encourages imaginative play while the senses are being stimulated by the smells, colours and textures of food. It is perfect for picky eaters and learning new words.
Guerlain Pop-Up Store
Guerlain is brave in innovation, but also celebrates its rich history. This concept portrays the brand’s delicate contrast in their quest for beauty. Guerlain is more than a store, it is a house - the customer journey starts from an open front yard to a sheltered alcove for product browsing, before being invited into the room for an intimate consultation experience. The concept is cost-effective with minimal bulky structures.

Designed with Hong Ling Yang

In collaboration with Guerlain (Asia Pacific)
Design for an Age-Friendly Workplace
With Singapore facing a rapidly aging population and the increase in retirement age, it is more important than ever to build inclusive workplaces that meet the elderly workers’ needs. We partnered to design for the elderly workers of York Hotel’s restaurant. This project redesigns the workflow to make it less physically taxing on the elderly workers and empower them with an appropriate service tool to boost their productivity.

Designed with Vanessa Ong & Hong Ling Yang

In collaboration with Ministry of Manpower (MOM), National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF)