Samuel Woo Chun Kiat
Samuel believes the key to being a good designer is the ability to think, sketch and make. He enjoys the iterative process of hands-on working and the exploration of new materials, technologies and processes. Design is not just about solving a problem.
THESIS A Paper Object
What is our actual experience with everyday paper products? Can the inherent qualities of the material reveal a side of paper that is novel and unexpected?
A Full Sea
The advent of 3D printing creates the unique opportunity to modify the mass- produced products we consume. Using stacking containers retailed at Daiso as a material for experimentation, the project aimed to investigate “what more could an existing product be(come)?”
Luxo Hyper Pro II
The Hyper Pro II is a Micro 4/3 camera for the proficient and reclusive user who favours fine manual calibration for control over creative expression. The camera proposes a form that is honest to the internal component layout, creating an aesthetic that is mechanical, precise and efficient.
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