Ching Soon Tiac
Soon Tiac specialises in behaviours and keeping things stupidly simple.
Offten is a series of off switches embedded into everyday objects. By tapping on existing behaviours, we can be inspired to disconnect from our devices more often, at the right place and the right time.
Speedbumps is a barrier that latches on to the aperture of existing recycling bins. With bold signage and its just-in-time position, Speedbumps deliberately slow down the recycling action to prevent careless contamination of recyclables.

Designed with Hannah Tan

In collaboration with NUS Office of Facilities Management
8UP is a bottle you can count on. It measures water by the glasses and has a physical counter that counts up to 8. With a twist and a click, 8UP makes hydration fun, intuitive and simply satisfying. A Kickstarter project.

Designed with Iliana Ishak, Abel Fam & Zack Petricca
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