Nguyen Thi Tuyet Trinh
Trinh believes in empowering design to make a change –“where there is design, there will be a way”. Trinh is passionate about finding ways to work with her hands, turning creativity into living breathing entities that matter.
BANG BANG is an innovative "Positive pressure ventilation" air mask for young children from 8 months old to 2 years old whose breathing power is weak due to the natural immaturity of lung development, enabling them to fight against air pollution with isolation protection.
Work-life balance does not equate to equal balance for every individual. It is hence essential to provide a practical mean of customising balance. By giving individuals the choice to re-evaluate their priorities in life. Latch allows users to discover their own balance and adapts accordingly to suit their preferences. Every “layer” of life is accommodated efficiently through three layers offered by Latch. Latch serves as a soul mate for finding your own version of balance and becoming your best self.
Hydroelite is a gateway to a bigger and richer experience. Designed to help every swimmer, both able-bodied and visually impaired. Hydroelite uses ow sensing technology combined with an accelerometer to detect all the changes in water ow and subsequently translating into useful information, e.g. speed, stroke per second, efficiency, etc. For the first time, swimmers the blind, or visually impaired swimmers are capable of swimming without assistance.
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