
Julia believes poetry isn’t merely the frosting on the designer cake, but also the eggs and butter. A physical and conceptual tinkerer, she has a penchant for swimming in grey areas and grasping the heart of complex phenomena. She loves being tickled by the absurd, satisfied by the rational, and finding the method to the madness.

Recovery Through Rediscovery

This healing kit gently re-opens the dialogue between women and their new postpartum bodies, through sensitive design of self-care tools. It seeks to communicate that the postpartum body is worthy of dignity and care, and that women have permission to know and love their bodies without shame.


XUBE is a sleek solution for portable toiletries: simply fill up, and bring your shower routine on the go. Unroll and mount on any smooth wall, and roll back up afterwards. It keeps all your essentials together, holding what you need and not a touch more - all in the palm of your hand.Launched on Kickstarter in Nov 2016, the project was 350% funded and went on to be produced and shipped worldwide.


Devour is a simultaneous juxtaposition and marriage between contexts. Palm leaves were hand-processed into rope and held in tension, forming a dialogue between raw Southeast Asian craft, and refined Scandinavian textile.The hyperbolic lattice interweaves line, surface, and volume, while the bodies stand as night and day; female and male; curves reminiscent of asian tradition; pop colours beating a modern pulse.



Julia believes poetry isn’t merely the frosting on the designer cake, but also the eggs and butter. A physical and conceptual tinkerer, she has a penchant for swimming in grey areas and grasping the heart of complex phenomena. She loves being tickled by the absurd, satisfied by the rational, and finding the method to the madness.

Recovery Through Rediscovery

This healing kit gently re-opens the dialogue between women and their new postpartum bodies, through sensitive design of self-care tools. It seeks to communicate that the postpartum body is worthy of dignity and care, and that women have permission to know and love their bodies without shame.


XUBE is a sleek solution for portable toiletries: simply fill up, and bring your shower routine on the go. Unroll and mount on any smooth wall, and roll back up afterwards. It keeps all your essentials together, holding what you need and not a touch more - all in the palm of your hand. Launched on Kickstarter in Nov 2016, the project was 350% funded and went on to be produced and shipped worldwide.


Devour is a simultaneous juxtaposition and marriage between contexts. Palm leaves were hand-processed into rope and held in tension, forming a dialogue between raw Southeast Asian craft, and refined Scandinavian textile. The hyperbolic lattice interweaves line, surface, and volume, while the bodies stand as night and day; female and male; curves reminiscent of asian tradition; pop colours beating a modern pulse.

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