Natalie enjoys interacting with users and being able to help others. She is always seeking new adventures and experiences, having a broad range of interests and a passion for learning. With her designs, she hopes to enable others to live their best life. She particularly loves problem solving and long walks on the beach.


Humans are made to be lifelong players, even into adulthood. However as our priorities change, play is left behind and seen as unimportant. Interplay seeks to find opportunities in our daily lives for adults to engage in true play, seeing commuting as a social space for interaction with others to engage in social play. It uses parallel and collaborative play to connect strangers, aiming to get people to exchange play signals with each other. Leveraging on the mundane and functional handle, Interplay is an introduction back to play and reschedules play back into the daily routine.

P1 Registration Care Package

The MOE website is overwhelming and hard to navigate, making anxious parents unnecessarily call for information already there. P1RCP is an ecosystem developed to bridge the benefits of underutilised physical platforms and digital tools. This is done by using a physical push to generate a digital pull, resulting in physical returns. Physical codes create direct paths to specified information, paired with digital tools that re-present information to filter unnecessary info and make clear what is relevant.

Play Petals

Play Petals is an outdoor furniture set designed for the public space of Woodlands Health Campus. Aiming to promote lingering in nature, patients and visitors have more control over the space to design their own public space experience. To compromise between free mobility and security of furniture, pieces have free rotational movement and are interdependent on each other. The bench shape is inspired by the campus’ heliconia logo and allows for modular additions.


Natalie enjoys interacting with users and being able to help others. She is always seeking new adventures and experiences, having a broad range of interests and a passion for learning. With her designs, she hopes to enable others to live their best life. She particularly loves problem solving and long walks on the beach.


Humans are made to be lifelong players, even into adulthood. However as our priorities change, play is left behind and seen as unimportant. Interplay seeks to find opportunities in our daily lives for adults to engage in true play, seeing commuting as a social space for interaction with others to engage in social play. It uses parallel and collaborative play to connect strangers, aiming to get people to exchange play signals with each other. Leveraging on the mundane and functional handle, Interplay is an introduction back to play and reschedules play back into the daily routine.

P1 Registration Care Package

The MOE website is overwhelming and hard to navigate, making anxious parents unnecessarily call for information already there. P1RCP is an ecosystem developed to bridge the benefits of underutilised physical platforms and digital tools. This is done by using a physical push to generate a digital pull, resulting in physical returns. Physical codes create direct paths to specified information, paired with digital tools that re-present information to filter unnecessary info and make clear what is relevant.

Play Petals

Play Petals is an outdoor furniture set designed for the public space of Woodlands Health Campus. Aiming to promote lingering in nature, patients and visitors have more control over the space to design their own public space experience. To compromise between free mobility and security of furniture, pieces have free rotational movement and are interdependent on each other. The bench shape is inspired by the campus’ heliconia logo and allows for modular additions.

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