Driven by curiosity and a sense of wonder, Priscillia is able to find and create meaning in nearly any situation, to formulate deceptively simple solutions that make people tick. To bring her ideas to life, that’s where design comes in!


We often find ourselves lost for words when trying to reply to a down-hearted text. This everyday problem becomes critical when conversing with individuals experiencing depression, who need to be understood and have their struggles validated. PHRASE IT is a keyboard that provides the quickest way for those who wish to be more empathetic and caring, to find the right words in any situation and be proactive with the mental wellbeing of our loved ones.


An integrative supply management system for the hospitality industry, Restock reduces physical labour and facilitates social interactions amongst staff. With a redesigned supply workflow assisted by restructured pantries, delivery tools and a mobile application, input from all stakeholders are digitised. Room attendants can access supplies with ease, and take ownership to ensure their respective pantries are always sufficiently stocked. For senior workers, unnecessary job repetitions and fatigue are reduced as they receive specifics of the when/where/what supplies to replenish.

Designed with Kevin Chiam and Esli Ee
In collaboration with Ministry of Manpower (MOM)


VAC is a vacuum operated syringe adaptor for single-handed aspiration. Having to handle multiple tools, doctors are often left with one hand to perform fine-needle aspiration; with a standard syringe, there is instability and imprecision that could cause injury or poor sampling. Leveraging on the syringe’s vacuum, VAC allows doctors get to hold the syringe comfortably and maintain a pen-like grip throughout the procedure, by simply pressing a button to aspirate.

Designed with Ng Tse Pei and Delia Lim
In collaboration with National University Hospital (NUH), Division of Thyroid & Endocrine Surgery


Driven by curiosity and a sense of wonder, Priscillia is able to find and create meaning in nearly any situation, to formulate deceptively simple solutions that make people tick. To bring her ideas to life, that’s where design comes in!


We often find ourselves lost for words when trying to reply to a down-hearted text. This everyday problem becomes critical when conversing with individuals experiencing depression, who need to be understood and have their struggles validated. PHRASE IT is a keyboard that provides the quickest way for those who wish to be more empathetic and caring, to find the right words in any situation and be proactive with the mental wellbeing of our loved ones.


An integrative supply management system for the hospitality industry, Restock reduces physical labour and facilitates social interactions amongst staff. With a redesigned supply workflow assisted by restructured pantries, delivery tools and a mobile application, input from all stakeholders are digitised. Room attendants can access supplies with ease, and take ownership to ensure their respective pantries are always sufficiently stocked. For senior workers, unnecessary job repetitions and fatigue are reduced as they receive specifics of the when/where/what supplies to replenish.

Designed with Kevin Chiam and Esli Ee
In collaboration with Ministry of Manpower (MOM)


VAC is a vacuum operated syringe adaptor for single-handed aspiration. Having to handle multiple tools, doctors are often left with one hand to perform fine-needle aspiration; with a standard syringe, there is instability and imprecision that could cause injury or poor sampling. Leveraging on the syringe’s vacuum, VAC allows doctors get to hold the syringe comfortably and maintain a pen-like grip throughout the procedure, by simply pressing a button to aspirate.

Designed with Ng Tse Pei and Delia Lim
In collaboration with National University Hospital (NUH), Division of Thyroid & Endocrine Surgery

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