
Zi Fong grew up dreaming to be an astronaut. Lightyears after, she channels her curiosity from unexplored realms to unsolved problems. She seeks to humanise tech by designing experiences that empathises, inspires and calms. Kopi, rugby and lo-fi make her feel out of this world.


GRYP is designed for people with hand tremors to improve their smartphone experience. Current modern smartphones are thin and not ergonomically designed for people with shaking hands, with many completely giving up using the smartphone camera.

GRYP aims to tackle this problem by bringing form to flatness, through a system of collapsible grip attachments, supported by an intuitive camera UI, enabling them to capture precious moments again.

Scout View

Scout View is a digital campaign for the Scouts of Sweden to share their love for nature with the world. In Fall 2017, they brought along 360 degree cameras from Google on their hikes to document hidden nature gems. Through a responsive web experience, users can now view the beauty of Nordic nature, anywhere, anytime. The Scout View movement is expanding to over 150 countries after its success.

View it at https://www.scoutview.se

Designed on internship at North Kingdom Design Agency, Sweden

The Dyslexperience

The Dyslexperience is an empathy book designed in response to a general lack of understanding about dyslexia in Singapore. With the enhancement of projection mapping on the physical surface of a book, the experience communicates the emotional ordeal faced by dyslexics everyday, allowing those who do not understand to see from the lens of those with dyslexia, making the invisible diagnosis visible.

Designed with Ng Ai Ling



Zi Fong grew up dreaming to be an astronaut. Lightyears after, she channels her curiosity from unexplored realms to unsolved problems. She seeks to humanise tech by designing experiences that empathises, inspires and calms. Kopi, rugby and lo-fi make her feel out of this world.


GRYP is designed for people with hand tremors to improve their smartphone experience. Current modern smartphones are thin and not ergonomically designed for people with shaking hands, with many completely giving up using the smartphone camera.

GRYP aims to tackle this problem by bringing form to flatness, through a system of collapsible grip attachments, supported by an intuitive camera UI, enabling them to capture precious moments again.

Scout View

Scout View is a digital campaign for the Scouts of Sweden to share their love for nature with the world. In Fall 2017, they brought along 360 degree cameras from Google on their hikes to document hidden nature gems. Through a responsive web experience, users can now view the beauty of Nordic nature, anywhere, anytime. The Scout View movement is expanding to over 150 countries after its success.

View it at https://www.scoutview.se

Designed on internship at North Kingdom Design Agency, Sweden

The Dyslexperience

The Dyslexperience is an empathy book designed in response to a general lack of understanding about dyslexia in Singapore. With the enhancement of projection mapping on the physical surface of a book, the experience communicates the emotional ordeal faced by dyslexics everyday, allowing those who do not understand to see from the lens of those with dyslexia, making the invisible diagnosis visible.

Designed with Ng Ai Ling

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