Zi Ning enjoys having imaginary dialogues with products, particularly if a product tells her the story of its designer. Her favourite phrase is ‘begin again’.

Making Mistakes

The Journey of Making Mistakes is a book that teaches children the value of mistakes. How the story develops is dependant on the reader - the child will have to make decisions throughout the story and flip to the specific pages using the colourful tabs. These decisions could lead to the good ending or one of the bad endings where mistakes are made and lessons are learnt. Different types of mistakes and various strategies to deal with them are illustrated in this book.


We often find broken products a pity and cast them aside without hesitation. But there is beauty in being broken - if one sees beyond the surface and understands its inherent nature. cray/on was born by making use of the simple yet beautiful properties of broken crayons - the ability to be melted, mixed, and cast. cray/on is not meant to be used, but to be appreciated and admired for its beauty, just like how one would towards a picturesque scenery.


Shadows have the powerful ability to convey messages which are difficult to say in words. By combining this narrative ability with the imagination that is inherent in everyone, Shine tells a story which unfolds only in the dark with a torchlight. Parents can accompany their children to cast shadows on each page and read the heartwarming story together.


Zi Ning enjoys having imaginary dialogues with products, particularly if a product tells her the story of its designer. Her favourite phrase is ‘begin again’.

Making Mistakes

The Journey of Making Mistakes is a book that teaches children the value of mistakes. How the story develops is dependant on the reader - the child will have to make decisions throughout the story and flip to the specific pages using the colourful tabs. These decisions could lead to the good ending or one of the bad endings where mistakes are made and lessons are learnt. Different types of mistakes and various strategies to deal with them are illustrated in this book.


We often find broken products a pity and cast them aside without hesitation. But there is beauty in being broken - if one sees beyond the surface and understands its inherent nature. cray/on was born by making use of the simple yet beautiful properties of broken crayons - the ability to be melted, mixed, and cast. cray/on is not meant to be used, but to be appreciated and admired for its beauty, just like how one would towards a picturesque scenery.


Shadows have the powerful ability to convey messages which are difficult to say in words. By combining this narrative ability with the imagination that is inherent in everyone, Shine tells a story which unfolds only in the dark with a torchlight. Parents can accompany their children to cast shadows on each page and read the heartwarming story together.

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