Energy Management and Microgrid Laboratory

Energy Management and Microgrid Laboratory (EMML) fosters a dynamic academic environment that is committed to a tradition of excellence in teaching, research and service. We are thriving to explore the important research and development areas, encompassing new perspectives, emerging fields of technological challenges worldwide. Our research team is composed of a diverse group, including Postdoctoral Fellows, PhD students, Research Associates, Research Engineers, and final year project students (M.Engg, M.Sc & B.Tech). We have been conducting cutting-edge research at the frontier of knowledge and playing a leading role in many areas.

Research Areas:

  • Smartgrid Research
  • Energy Management Systems
  • Power Electronic Systems
  • Demand Management
  • Power Quality Control
  • Robust Protection
  • Smart Metering & Monitoring

Academic Staff:

  1. Associate Professor Ashwin M Khambadkone (Lab Supervisor)
  2. Professor Dipti Srinivasan
  3. Associate Professor Sanjib Kumar Panda
  4. Assistant Professor Jimmy Chih-Hsien Peng


Person to Contact: Mr Looi Fook Chee (Laboratory Technologist)
Contact number: +65 65168056

Lab Location:
Energy Management and Microgrid Laboratory
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Block E3, Level 3, Room 09 (E3-03-09)
2 Engineering Drive 3
Singapore 117581.