7 January 2020
Prof Dipti Srinivasan

Elevated to IEEE Fellow – Professor Dipti Srinivasan

Congratulations to Dr Dipti Srinivasan who has been elevated to IEEE Fellow for contributions to computational intelligence for Smart Grid.

Prof Dipti Srinivasan

Dipti Srinivasan is a Professor in the Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS), where she also heads the Centre for Green Energy Management & Smart Grid (GEMS). She is an adjunct researcher with the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS).

Her current research focuses on the development of novel computational intelligence-based models and methodologies to aid the integration of the new Smart Grid technologies into the existing infrastructure so that power grid can effectively utilize pervasive renewable energy generation and demand-side management programs, while accommodating stochastic load demand. She has published more than 300 publications which have been highly cited. Dipti is an active member in IEEE CIS and Power & Energy societies, and was awarded the IEEE PES Outstanding Engineer award in 2010.

To know more about her research work and achievements, please visit here.

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