
Message from the Director

ENgAGE recognises that tackling the complex challenges of ageing requires collaboration across sectors. Strategic partnerships with government agencies, private industry, healthcare providers, non-profit organisations and community members are essential to translating research into actionable solutions. By uniting diverse stakeholders, ENgAGE fosters innovation, informs policy, and drives impactful community programmes that enhance the well-being of older persons.

Most importantly, integrating voices from communities is central to ENgAGE’s approach. By involving older adults, their families, and caregivers directly in the research process, the Centre ensures that its work reflects the real needs and experiences of those it serves. This not only strengthens the relevance of research outcomes but also empowers communities to adopt and sustain the solutions developed, contributing to a more inclusive and resilient society.

The complex societal challenges we face today cannot be solved by a single discipline. At the Centre for Environment and Ageing Well, we recognise older persons as valuable assets to our community and believe that the integration of their voices will be critical in improving the everyday lives of not only the ageing population, but for all generations,” said Associate Professor Emi Kiyota, Director of the Centre for Environment and Ageing Well at NUS CDE. 

ENgAGE is dedicated to advocating for a collective approach to co-designing a future where ageing is celebrated, and where the potential for meaningful growth throughout life is embraced by all. We are very happy to have our community members join our research endeavour.

A/P Emi Kiyota

Director, ENgAGE