Excerpt from CDE News
ENgAGE was officially inaugurated on 27 August 2024 by Ms Indranee Rajah, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Finance and National Development. She was also joined by community members actively involved in ENgAGE’s projects. In her address, Ms Indranee Rajah stated that “The work that will be undertaken here is not just important – it is imperative for the future well-being of our society. So let us all support and contribute to this endeavour to build a better living environment and quality of life for our seniors.”
Dedicated to transforming how society views and supports ageing, ENgAGE is ready to lead the conversation through collaboration and connections. This will also amplify Singapore’s current steps to support our ageing population. One such initiative is Age Well SG, which aims to help our seniors age actively by forming social connections within the community to ensure they have pillars on which they can lean.